Disconnecting and Reconnecting HA

You can disconnect the two devices in the HA system and return them to standalone devices.

To disconnect HA through CLI:
1. From the CLI of the active device, connect (Telnet) to the redundant device, by typing the following command:
# debug ha conn-to-red
2. Log in to the redundant device's CLI with its username (e.g., Admin) and password:
Username: Admin
3. Access the Privileged mode, by typing the following command, and the mode's password:
> enable
4. At the prompt, type the following command and enter a new OAMP IP address for the redundant device:
# debug ha disconnect-system <New OAMP Address for Redundant Device>

The redundant device restarts, the HA status of the active device changes to "Standalone", and the redundant device now becomes a non-HA device.

The new OAMP address of the redundant device must be different to the active device.
The HA Maintenance network interface (in the IP Interfaces table) on the redundant device is unaffected by the command.
All Media + Control network interfaces (in the IP Interfaces table) on the redundant device are deleted.
The 'HA Remote Address' [HARemoteAddr] field value, which specifies the HA Maintenance address of the active device is deleted on the redundant device.

You can later restore the HA system, by following the below procedure.

To restore the HA system through CLI:
1. On the previously redundant device, configure the HA Maintenance interface address of the active device:
(config-network)# high-availability
(ha)# remote-address <HA Maintenance Address of Active Device>

The HA Maintenance address can alternatively be configured in the Redundant device's Web interface's 'HA Remote Address' parameter.

2. Restart the redundant device:
(ha)# do reload now

The procedure assumes that no network changes were made to both devices' HA Maintenance interface or Ethernet Devices (VLAN); otherwise, the devices may not be able to communicate with each other.